
How to decide on an interior design style

How to decide on an interior design style

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You're moving into a new house or apartment. You've finally settled on an interior design style that works for you and your home. But as you're browsing through home decor, you're still not sure if what you're searching for is going to work with your current style.

For a long time, I have struggled trying to figure out what interior design style I wanted. There are so many styles out there and sometimes it can get confusing deciding which one to choose.

Related article: How to Choose a Design Style that Feels Right for You

Deciding on an interior design style is difficult, especially when you are starting out with no knowledge. The internet can overwhelm you with its vastness and complexity if you aren't cautious. All you want is to find a solution that helps you choose the right things for your home, but the truth is choosing a style isn't easy and takes time. However, if you're switching from a different interior design style to something completely different (going from rustic to modern), then it can be challenging. Here are a few recommendations on how to make your decision easier.


living room design

What are the 7 principles of interior design?

Deciding on an interior design style is a big decision. More than just picking out paint colors and furniture, it's about creating a space that reflects who you are and how you want to live. It's about making choices that will impact your life for years to come.

At first, there are seven questions you should ask when choosing an interior design style:

1. What is my budget?

2. What else is going on in my life?

3. Where will this new space be used most often?

4. What do I like best about the homes I love?

5. Will this new space reflect who I am?

6. Am I ready to invest in home improvements that might be costly in the long run? (For example, replacing all the light fixtures in your home.)

7. Can I handle constant change as styles change over time?

After that, you should know about this:

Interior design is a creative field of work that focuses on the arrangement of spaces within a structure. The term is derived from the Latin word "interior", which means "inside". Interior designers plan, arrange, and furnish the interior space of residential and commercial buildings. Interior designers also develop plans for structures or interiors that are built by others.

The principles of interior design are fundamental guidelines or mantras that you should follow. Without them, your space won't be successful, as it lacks the fundamentals. They are the backbone for all interior designing.


bedroom design


The 7 Principles of Interiors:









Interior design is a multifaceted profession. It's the art of translating your personal style into a space that fits your lifestyle, your budget and the needs of the people who live there.

The 7 Principles of Interiors


What is the golden rule in interior design?

Every room in your home can be designed to reflect any number of styles. The trick is knowing which one will work best for you and your family. But what is the golden rule in interior design?

Here are some tips on how to decide on an interior design style:

- Ask yourself what you like and what you don't like about the rooms of your house. Which one do you prefer between bright and muted colors? Are there any elements that stand out as too ornate or too simple? Do you prefer modern furniture or traditional pieces? Are there any colors that are particularly soothing or energizing? This information will help guide your decision when choosing a style for your home's interior.

- Consider how many people live in your house, their ages, and their tastes. A small family might want a cozy, cozy space with lots of personal touches while a large family might want something more open and spacious that accommodates everyone's needs equally well.

- Consider where each member of your household spends most of his or her time — whether it be working from home, spending time in the kitchen, relaxing on the couch at night or sleeping in the master bedroom — so that each space can accommodate those activities most efficiently.


Different interior design styles

When it comes to interior design, there are many different styles to choose from; Traditional, contemporary, eclectic and minimalist are just some of the most popular styles.

There is no right or wrong interior design style. It all depends on how you want your home to look like, and how much money you can spend on it.

Interior design styles can be divided into two main categories: the timeless, which can be used in any home and are suitable for many people; and the trendy, which are more appropriate for a specific time period or region.

Timeless interior design styles include modern and traditional. Modern interior design is often considered to be simple and minimalist with clean lines, while traditional homes may have more elaborate designs that reflect their cultural heritage.

Trendy interior designs tend to come and go more quickly, but there are some tried-and-true ones like Scandinavian style, Asian-inspired decor, industrial chic and Mediterranean design.

Related article: Different interior design styles


How do I choose an interior design style?

Every interior design style has a different feel and look. The decorating styles you choose can help you define the character of your home and express your personal style.

Decorating styles are often broken down into two categories: classic and contemporary. Classic designs are usually more formal, while contemporary designs are more relaxed and simpler. Once you've decided which category best fits your home, it's time to decide on an interior design style. Here are some tips for choosing a style:

Determine your budget and lifestyle. Before you decide on a theme or color scheme, it's important to take stock of both your budget and lifestyle. If you're a busy parent with young children who need their own space, then having an open floor plan might not be the best choice for you. On the other hand, if money isn't an issue and you like entertaining guests often, then having multiple rooms with distinct personalities might fit your needs perfectly.

Consider what makes you happy. When deciding on a room design, think about what makes you happy when walking into each space in your home — whether it's bright colors or sleek modern furniture pieces that make your heart skip a beat every time you walk by them


express your decorating style with confidence

Deciding on an interior design style is the first step to creating a beautiful home. It can be daunting, but like any other creative project, it's all about knowing where to start. Once you've decided what kind of look, you're after and have some ideas in mind, here are some tips for making your home reflect your personal style:

Build on what you already have. If you already know what you like and don't like in terms of colors or textures, that can help narrow down the choices.

Be careful with trends — they don't last forever. Some trends are timeless and will always look good (like stripes), while others come and go quickly (like mid-century modern).

Choose things that fit your lifestyle. If you're going to spend a lot of time in one room, make sure it's comfortable for relaxing or entertaining. If you're looking for a place to entertain guests, consider having at least one room dedicated to entertaining with separate seating from the rest of the house so that guests feel welcome without disrupting family time when they visit.

redesign house


Of course, the best way to figure out which design style you want is to browse through different designs for yourself. Many interior designers, especially those in the residential sector, are happy to schedule a consultation with prospective clients, who can then discuss their ideas and preferences for their new home, office or other architectural space. Available options may also be discussed, from custom furniture to window coverings and many other decorative elements. New home construction or a major renovation are great times to call in an interior designer, but there's no rule that says making your home into a showplace has to be that drastic.

At the end of the day, try to stay true to what you like; what looks great in magazines may not necessarily be the best choice for your home and family. After all, at the end of the day this is your house. Choose a style that speaks to your personality. If a design someone else likes would look better in your house than one you like, then go with it. Heck knock yourself out, run with it! The style you choose should be one that makes you happy and gives you endless enjoyment. Once you zero in on what will make you and those that live with you happy, now all you have to do is to find ways to make it happen. Enjoy!

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